My Vintage Odyssey

As I sat down in my studio sorting through the box of old items that my grandparents had left behind, I never could have imagined that I was about to take a long journey back into the past; a journey that would come into play while discovering each browned and aged envelope and set of old bundled bills and papers tied with old pieces of elastic that was cut from my grandmother’s old worn dresses.

They were all scented with moth balls and tobacco. I remember not liking the smells as a child. Yet as I peeked through the old cards and papers, the familiar smells became a beautiful reminder of past moments spent with my grandparents. It reminded me of moments in front of the old wood stove warming my hands because their house had so many cracks around the windows and doors. Cold air was continually flowing inside the house during the winter months.

I also remembered grandma sewing quilts on her old sewing machine that frustrated her at times because it kept hanging up as she sewed. Since they were considered very poor, they didn't have the money to have it fixed or buy a new one. So my grandma always had to make use of what she already had.

Along the wall in her sewing room were a row of boxes. These boxes were filled with remnants of old worn out clothes, socks and other things one would find in a sewing room.

My grandfather had his own personal space as well, yet not as tidy as grandmas. Grandpa's room was filled with rusted doornobs, hinges, old jars, metal parts, tools and anything else he could find. He could always be found in his room on the weekends working on various projects.

They both had their own creative spaces. It was their special place to create and be inspired. Whether a patched up quilt or rigged up old tv that barely worked; they both took pride in their creations. They didn't have much, but knew how to put to use what they had.

I found bits and pieces from these places as I peeked through the box of things: an old dirty ring with rusted keys hangin from it., old buttons from clothes, old bills and receipts, cards and letters from family and friends.

With each piece I sifted through, I fell more in love with the precious memories of them. And my love for vintage papers and old rusted things became more of an obsession to collect them. This obsession has worked its way into my own studio and became part of my own collections and inspiration.

I found myself wanting to take some of the old papers and play with abandon until I would create something that was personal to me. Playing with the papers alone was not satisfying so I mixed in my passion for painting as well.

I began by laying out my collage and sealing it with gel medium. Then I would take a mixture of transparent and opaque paints with inks to add final details.

I found great inspiration while reminising through the memories of my grandparents in their creative spaces. Then ideas began flowing into my mind and before I know it; I was lost in my studio creating new pieces that abound into their own personal individuality. And the worries of today slip away while I continue on the path of my vintage journey.

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